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New Year New Inspiration


It seems every where I turn, this time of year,  I see articles on getting organized.  I suppose, along with making resolutions, it’s a “New Year” thing to do.  Setting goals, making resolutions and getting organized are valued, and critical to our success, but I find the start of a new year to also be inspirational.  There is just something energizing each year about the concept of the calendar starting over.  I am inspired by the notion(s) of re-setting, a fresh start, a clean slate.  That said, when it comes to my work as in interior designer I am constantly inspired and looking for inspiration.  Each new project is a fresh start and a clean slate and I am initially inspired by my clients and their vision for how they want to live.  As I dig deeper in getting to know them I seek inspiration for concepts and color schemes in art, rugs, textiles, travel, nature and any number of other things, that may be important to them.  Inspiration is all around us and right there for you if you keep your eyes and mind open. Following are a few of my personal favorite inspirational images….of the moment.

blog schumacher chair

 I’m slightly obsessed with this  nature inspired Schumacher Citrus Garden fabric at the moment.

A color scheme could go in many directions with this as a starting point!

blog inspire rug


Pictured above are fabrics and a fabulous rug from a recently completed (CSR Interiors) project. In this case we started with the fabric.

  The various shades of blue all play perfectly together and the neutrals in the rug are spot on with those in our fabrics.

But its the warm amber that appears in both the Harlequin Boheme fabric and the rug, that really made this combo come together.

blog ellie saab

I am a fool for a gorgeous gown and these Elie Saab ones are no exception. He (Elie) was apparently not only inspired

by nature but by interior architectural details! Notice the faux wall panels at the bottom of the green gown, which mimic the wall

behind the model… I would love to see the rest of that room!

blog inspire savannah

This moody draped corner makes me want to hop a plane

to Paris or infuse a bit of that into my style/life.

I snapped this  while visiting The Paris Market in Savannah, Georgia.

This little shop is chock full of beautiful and inspirational goodies but it was this vignette of

drapery and simple counter stools that caught my eye.  It  had been raining and suddenly at the perfect

moment, the sun came out, casting those lovely shadows.   So charming!

blog inspire john bunker

 John Bunker is an extremely talented local artist and his

 “Branch Blossom Memory” Quadrant is one of my favorites, of his work.

This would be a beautiful centerpiece and color inspiration for a space.

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